PINK D.Y.M.O.N.S. is a 501c(3) non profit organization that was founded in 2016 by two time breast cancer survivor Dymon S. Irons-Bryant. Throughout my own personal battle with cancer, I was presented with many obstacles and financial stressors. Fortunately, I was really blessed to have the unwavering support both financially and physcially of my husband and my son, support from family and friends and numerous other outlets to assist me along this journey. This support helped me eliminate alot of stress and focus on what was most important, healing! In return I was able to channel my energy towards focusing on my faith, preserverance and tenacity, which gave me the power and strength to not only fight but beat this dreadful disease at it's own game. This is why I'm so passionate and driven to give back to others who's lives are being greatly affected by this illness.
Our Vision
PINK DYMONS vsion is to connect cancer patients living in rural communities with resources that enhance their self-efficacy.
Our Team
Dymon Bryant
Carla Brabham
Shaneen Corujo
Vice President
Jocelyn Irons
Shawon Bryant
Fundraising Committee
Tamisha Wiggins
Community Service Coordinator
Deidre Bamberg
Finance Committee Chairperson
Angel Waldo
Survivor Applicants/Benefits Coordinator
Janet Irons
Public Rrelations/
Dining Coordinator
Members At Large
Shirley Dickerson
Stephanie Bryant
Shelia Wilson
Renee Moody
Stacey Irons
Our Mission
Our goal is to educate and provide resources to as many cancer patients as possible, in hopes of eliminating some of their financial burdens. We are on a mission to bring about awareness, while recognizing the demand for continously seeking a cure and acknowledging the need for finacial support for patients going through treatment.